Little by little, ...

Tuesday, September 27, 2005



いいニュースは市場が私たちの製品の新しいラインナップに興奮しているということだ。Galaxy、 Amazon+、Solaris 10、新しいストレージのラインナップなど。顧客とジャーナリストは夢中で、興味があり、新しい情報を手に入れたくてたまらない。つまり、彼らは早期の顧 客経験、性能、出荷日、配送計画などについてのデータをせがんでくるだろうということだ。



Jonathan Schwartz's Weblog

To All Sun Employees,

The good news is the market is totally excited about our new lineup of products - Galaxy, Amazon+, Solaris 10, our new storage lineup. Customers and journalists are pumped up, interested, and dying to get new information. Which means they're going to be pressing you for data about early customer experiences, performance, shipdates, delivery plans, etc. It is, after all, their role in the world.

For the sake of your colleagues around Sun, please do not share Sun's confidential information. There have been a few instances in recent weeks where crucial data and photos were leaked from Sun. It probably sounds counterintuitive, but this actually harms Sun's business.

A Simple Request to Sun's Employees


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