Web 2.0ってなに?
Dave Winerは、”Web2.0はベンチャーキャピタルとカンファレンスの主催者がもうひとつのバブルを生み出そうとして使うマーケティングコンセプトだ。”と言う。Richard McManusの見解はここにある。
私はWeb2.0を"テクノロジのコレクション - それはVoIP、デジタルメディア、XML、RSS、Google Maps...その他いろいろ...であり、それは常に高速なコネクションを活用し、ブロードバンドをプラットフォームとして扱う。それは単につなぐため のパイプではない。"と定義する。明らかにWeb2.0は多くの人々にとってそれぞれ異なったものである。あなたの定義は?それをどう見る?それを解明するのはおもしろそうだ。特に来週に控えたWeb2.0カンファレンスの前には。
Om Malik's Broadband Blog
Last night, I was at a dinner, where one of the topics of discussion was Web 2.0. More appropriately, what is Web 2.0? It is a damn fine question, and difficult one to answer. D. Keith Robinson writes, “Depending on who’s using the term, you could be talking about the Web as a platform for applications, a philosophy in building and designing Web applications, a group of powerful Web technologies, and much more.” Mark Sigal says, “At the core, it is an applied web service model that blurs the line between software and service.”
Dave Winer says, “Web 2.0 is a marketing concept used by venture capitalists and conference promoters to try to call another bubble into existence.” Richard McManus has his own take here.
From my perspective, I define Web 2.0 as a “collection of technologies - be it VoIP, Digital Media, XML, RSS, Google Maps… whatever …. that leverage the power of always on, high speed connections and treat broadband as a platform, and not just a pipe to connect.” Clearly, Web 2.0 is different and many things to many people. What is your definition? How do you view it? Curious to find out, especially before next week’s Web 2.0 conference.
What is Web 2.0